课程基本信息(Course Information) |
课程代码 (Course Code) |
ENVR8164 |
*学时 (Credit Hours) |
16 |
*学分 (Credits) |
1 |
*课程名称 (Course Name) |
(中文)新兴废弃可再生碳资源利用 |
(英文)Emerging Waste Carbon Resource Utilizations |
课程性质 (Course Type) |
专业选修课 |
授课语言 (Language of Instruction) |
英文 |
*开课院系 (School) |
威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站 |
先修课程 (Prerequisite) |
无 |
授课教师 (Teacher) |
陈熙 |
课程网址 (Course Webpage) |
/ |
*课程简介 |
本课程主要围绕具有前景的新兴废弃可再生碳资源及其最新利用方法展开。在全球变暖和气候变化日益严重的大背景下,人们正在寻找各种各样的可再生资源用于生产制备燃料、化学品和材料等,从而最终替代不可再生的化石资源、减少二氧化碳排放。本课程首先将会对碳元素在自然界中的循环、以及气候变暖现状进行介绍。之后,本课程将介绍最具有潜力和代表性的多种新兴热点废弃碳资源,包括其基本知识、原料特性、利用方法、独特优势等。相较于风能、太阳能等可再生资源,农林废弃物、海洋废弃物、废弃餐厨油、废弃塑料、二氧化碳C1资源等废弃碳资源不仅能够作为可再生原料生产能源和燃料,并且能够生产多种多样具有高经济价值、目前正由石油、煤和天然气等制备的化学品和材料。这些新兴废弃物是目前的研究热点,也是亟待开发具有高级资源价值的废弃原料。采用不同的低碳绿色转化技术,能够将这类废弃碳资源变废为宝,转化为多种多样的现代社会所需的化学品、材料和燃料,在环境保护的同时创造经济价值。 |
* Description |
The focus of this module will be on the emerging waste renewable carbon resources and the low carbon technology for their utilizations. Different types of abundant, low-cost and easily-accessible carbon resources will be introduced, including their physicochemical properties as well as the related advanced technologies to utilize them. The carbon circulations in the Earth’s spheres (biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere) will be illustrated, including the associated natural processes and the exchange direction from one sphere to another. Based on the understanding of carbon circulation pathways, we can target at the processes to reduce the level of atmospheric carbon dioxide, in order to mitigate global warming and climate change. Adopting to advanced low carbon technologies to convert them into fuels, chemicals and materials to supplement or replace the non-renewable fossil resources, shows vital importance for the sustainable, low-carbon development of the society. The emerging waste carbon resources cover agricultural wastes, oceanic waste, waste cooking oils, waste plastics, CO2, etc. They are wastes but also valuable resources, by using suitable transformation strategies, they can be transformed into a series of valuable products, which protects the environments and creates economic values at the same time. |
课程教学大纲(Course Syllabus) |
*学习目标 (Learning Outcomes) |
本课程的学习目标主要包括让员工深入了解碳元素在自然界中的循环过程与路径,以及哪些主要因素导致了碳平衡的破坏与全球变暖。针对主要因素,提出相应解决方案。掌握学习可再生碳资源的基本概念,种类与性质。学习了解转化可再生碳资源替代化石资源制备化学品与燃料的低碳利用技术,以及未来利用发展趋势和前景展望。通过该课程学习为将来从事可再生碳资源利用方面工作打下牢固基础,为我国的低碳减排道路做出贡献。 The main learning outcomes of this module include: let the students learn the carbon circulation on Earth’s different spheres with details to a deep level. Let them figure out which factors have induced the disruption of carbon circulation and the elevated atmospheric CO2 and global warming. In terms to this, provide relevant solutions to change the situation. Learn the basic information of renewable carbon resources, the types and the characteristics, as well as the low-carbon technologies to transform them into valuable fuels and chemicals to replace the fossil feedstocks. The module is to prepare the students for their future participations in environmental-related companies, research institutes and universities, so that they can contribute to shaping a green, low-carbon and sustainable society in the future.
*教学内容、进度安排及要求 (Class Schedule & Requirements) |
*考核方式 (Grading) |
出勤率 Attendance 10% 课程作业 Assignments 20% 课堂任务 In-class tasks 30% 期末项目 Final project 40%
*教材或参考资料 (Textbooks & Other Materials) |
无 none |
其它 (More) |
备注 (Notes) |