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Google Scholar 1023 citations. ESI高被引论文一篇
[1] Ang Li; Wenxia Ji; Zhen Huang; Lei Zhu*. Predictions of Oxidation and Autoignition of Large Methyl Ester with Small Molecule Fuels. Fuel, 2019, accept.
[2] Li, Ang; Yu, Liang; Lu, Xingcai; Huang, Zhen; Zhu, Lei*. Experimental and Modeling Study on Autoignition of a Biodiesel/n-Heptane Mixture and Related Surrogate in a Heated Rapid Compression Machine. Energy & Fuels, 2019, accept.
[1] Z Gao, L Zhu*, X Zou, C Liu, B Tian, Z Huang. Soot reduction effects of dibutyl ether (DBE) addition to a biodiesel surrogate in laminar coflow diffusion flames. Proceedings of combustion institute, 2019, 37:1265-1272.
[2] C Liu, L Zhu*, Z Gao, H Li, Z Huang. Effects of molecular O2 and NO2 on particle size distribution, morphology and nanostructure of diffusion flame soot oxidized in a flow reactor. Fuel, 2018, 234:335-346.
[3] Ang Li, Lei Zhu*,Yebing Mao, Jiaqi Zhai, Dong Han, Xingcai Lyu, Zhen Huang. Surrogate Formulation Methodology for Biodiesel Based on Chemical Deconstruction in Consideration of Molecular Structure and Engine Combustion Factors. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 199:152-167.
[4] Wenxia Ji, Lei Zhu*, Xingcai Lv, Zhen Huang. Numerical Study of NOx and ISFC Co-optimization on a Low-speed Two-stroke Engine by Miller Cycle, EGR, Intake Air Humidification and Injection strategy. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 153:398-408.
[5] Zhan Gao, Xinyao Zou, Zhen Huang, Lei Zhu*. Predicting sooting tendencies of oxygenated hydrocarbon fuels with machine learning algorithms. Fuel, 2019, 242:438-446.
[1] L. Zhu*, Z.Y. He, Z. Xu, X.C. Lu, J.H. Fang, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. In-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) in a spark-ignition natural gas engine. Proceedings of combustion institute, 2017, 36: 3487-3497.
[2] Z.Y. He, L. Zhu*, Z. Xu, O.T. Kaario, A. Li, Z. Huang. Effects of ethanol enrichment on in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) spark ignition natural gas engine. Fuel, 2017, 197: 334-342.
[3] O.T. Kaario, V. Vurinen, L. Zhu, M. Larmi, R. Liu. Mixing and evaporation analysis of a high-pressure SCR system using a hybrid LES-RANS approach. Energy, 2017, 120:827-841.
[4] L. Zhu*, Z.Y. He, Z. Xu, Z. Gao, A. Li, Z. Huang. Improving cold start, combustion and emission characteristics of a lean burn spark ignition natural gas engine with multi-point hydrogen injection. Applied Thermal Engineering 2017, 121:83-89.
[5] Z Xu, L Zhu*, Z He, A Li, Y Shao, Z Huang. Performance optimization of in-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) with compression ratio in an SI natural gas engine. Fuel 2017, 203:162-170.
[6] Z Gao, L Zhu*, C Liu, A Li, Z He, C Zhang, Z Huang. A comparison of soot formation, evolution and oxidation reactivity of two biodiesel surrogates. Energy & Fuels 2017, 31: 8655-8664.
[7] A Li, L Zhu*, ZW Deng, Z Gao, Z Huang. A Fundamental Investigation into Chemical Effects of Carbon Dioxide on Intermediate Temperature Oxidation of Biodiesel Surrogate with Laminar Flow Reactor. Energy 2017, 141:20-31.
[8] A Li, ZW Deng, L Zhu*, Z Huang. Development and Validation of a Binary Surrogate Model for Biodiesel. SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-2326.
[9] ZW Deng, A Li, L Zhu*, Z Huang. Experimental and Kinetic Analyses of Thermochemical Fuel Reforming (TFR) with Alcohol Enrichment in Plug Flow Reactor: a Verification of In-Cylinder TFR. SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-2278.
[10] Z Gao, L Zhu*, X Zou, C Liu, Z Huang. Partial Premixing Effects on the Evolution of Soot Morphology and Nanostructure in Co- Flow Flames of a Biodiesel Surrogate. SAE Technical Paper 2017-01-2397.
[1] L. Zhu*, C.S. Cheung, Z. Huang. Impact of chemical structure of individual fatty acid esters on combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine. Energy 2016, 107: 305-320.
[2] L. Zhu*, C.S. Cheung, Z. Huang. Combustion, gaseous and particulate emission of a diesel engine fueled with n-pentanol (C5 alcohol) blended with waste cooking oil biodiesel. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016, 102: 73-79.
[3] L. Zhu*, C.S. Cheung, Z. Huang. A comparison of particulate emission for rapeseed oil methyl ester, palm oil methyl ester and soybean oil methyl ester in perspective of their fatty ester composition. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016, 94: 249-255.
[4] Z He, Z Gao, L. Zhu*, S Li, A Li, W Zhang, Z Huang. Effects of H 2 and CO enrichment on the combustion, emission and performance characteristics of spark ignition natural gas engine. Fuel 2016, 183: 230:237.
[5] L. Zhu*, Z.Y. He, Z. Xu, X.C. Lu, J.H. Fang, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. In-cylinder thermochemical fuel reforming (TFR) in a spark-ignition natural gas engine. 36th International Symposium on Combustion, Korea, 2016.
[6] He, Z., Xu, Z., Zhu, L.*, Zhang, W. et al., The Performances of a Spark Ignition Natural Gas Engine Coupled with In-Cylinder Thermochemical Fuel Reforming (TFR). SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-2239.
[1] L. Zhu*, C.S. Cheung, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. Compatibility of Different Biodiesel Composition with Acrylonitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR). Fuel 2015, 158: 288-292.
[2] Z.Y. He, Q.J. Jing, L. Zhu*, W.G. Zhang, Z Huang. The effects of different intake charge diluents on the combustion and emission characteristics of a spark ignition natural gas engine. Applied Thermal Engineering 2015, 89: 958-967.
[3] Y.Q. Luo, L. Zhu*, J.H. Fang, Z.Y. Zhuang, C. Guan, C. Xia, X.M. Xie, Z. Huang. Size distribution, chemical composition and oxidation reactivity of particulate matter from gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine fueled with ethanol-gasoline fuel. Applied Thermal Engineering 2015, 89: 647-655.
[1] L. Zhu, C.S. Cheung, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. Emissions characteristics of a diesel engine operating on biodiesel and biodiesel blended with ethanol and methanol. Science of The Total Environment 2010, 408:914-921.
[2] L. Zhu, W.G. Zhang, W. Liu, Z. Huang. Experimental study on particulate and NOx emissions of a diesel engine fueled with ultra low sulfur diesel, RME-diesel blends and PME-diesel blends. Science of The Total Environment 2010, 408:1050-1058.
[3] L. Zhu, C.S. Cheung, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. Influence of methanol-biodiesel blends on the particulate emissions of a direct injection diesel engine. Aerosol Science and Technology 2010, 44:362-369.
[4] L. Zhu, C.S. Cheung, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. Combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine fueled with ethanol-biodiesel blends. Fuel 2011, 90:1743-1750.
[5] L. Zhu, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. Influence of biodiesel-methanol blends on the emissions in the low-temperature combustion of a direct-injection diesel engine using high levels of exhaust gas recirculation. Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering 2011, 225:1044-1054.
[6] L. Zhu, C. S. Cheung, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. Effect of charge dilution on gaseous and particulate emissions from a diesel engine fueled with biodiesel and biodiesel blended with methanol and ethanol. Applied Thermal Engineering 2011, 31:2271-2278.
[7] L. Zhu, C.S. Cheung, W.G. Zhang, J.H. Fang, Z. Huang. Effects of ethanol-biodiesel blends and diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) on particulate and unregulated emissions. Fuel 2013, 113, 690-696.
[8] C.S. Cheung, L. Zhu, Z. Huang. Regulated and unregulated emissions from a diesel engine fueled with biodiesel and biodiesel blended with methanol. Atmospheric Environment 2009, 43: 4865-4872.
[9] W. Liu, W.G. Zhang, L. Zhu, X.L. Li, Z. Huang. Characteristics of ultrafine particle from a compression-ignition engine fueled with low-sulfur diesel. Chinese Science Bulletin 2009, 54: 1773-1778.
[10] Q. Fang, Z. Huang, L. Zhu, J.J. Zhang, J. Xiao. Study on low nitrogen oxide and low smoke emissions in a heavy-duty engine fuelled with dimethyl ether. Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, 2011, 225: 779-786.
[11] Z.Z. Li, J.Y. Zhang, K.Q. Zhang, L. Zhu, Z. Huang. An experimental study of HCCI high load extension of HCCI engine with gasoline and n-heptane. Proc. IMechE Part D: J. Automobile Engineering, 2014,0954407014524183
[12] J.Y. Zhang, Z.Z. Li, K.Q. Zhang, L. Zhu, Z. Huang An experiment study of HCCI combustion and emission in a gasoline engine. Thermal Science 2013, 18, 295-306.
[13] 刘炜,张武高,李新令,朱磊,黄震。低硫柴油直喷燃烧超细颗粒排放特性研究。 科学通报 2009, 54: 1773-1778. (SCI).
[14] L. Zhu, J.H. Fang, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. The Effects of Diesel Oxidation Catalyst on Particulate Emission of Ethanol-Biodiesel Blend Fuel. SAE Technical Paper 2014-01-2730.
[1] 李昂,朱磊,邓志伟,黄震 基于流动反应器的丁酸甲酯氧化实验与模拟研究[C] 2016中国工程热物理学会会议论文
[2] 李昂,朱磊,邓志伟,黄震 二氧化碳在生物柴油替代燃料丁酸甲酯氧化中的化学作用[C] 2016中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会会议论文
[3] 高展,刘春鹏,朱磊,黄震 醇基支链长度对短碳链脂肪酸酯扩散火焰碳烟颗粒生成及演变的影响[C] 2016中国工程热物理学会会议论文
[4] 高展,刘春鹏,朱磊,黄震 掺混醇类对丁酸甲酯扩散火焰碳烟颗粒形貌演变及微观结构影响的实验研究[C] 2016中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会会议论文
[5] 刘春鹏,高展,朱磊,黄震 乙醇对丁酸甲酯扩散火焰碳烟颗粒形貌演变及微观结构影响的实验研究[C] 2016中国工程热物理学会会议论文
[6] 徐震,朱磊,何卓遥,黄震 压缩比对缸内热化学燃料重整天然气发动机燃烧与排放特性的影响[C] 2016中国工程热物理学会会议论文
[7] Lei Zhu. Low temperature combustion mode and particulate emission characteristics of biofuels [Invited report]. 6th International Symposium on “Clean and High-Efficiency Combustion in Engines”, Tianjin, 2015.
[8] 何卓遥,徐震,朱磊,黄震 合成气对天然气发动机的燃烧排放性能的影响[C] 中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会会议论文
[9] L. Zhu, J.H. Fang, Z. Huang. Low temperature combustion of biodiesel [Oral report]. US-China Clean Energy Research Center for Clean Vehicles Annual Joint Conference, Michigan, 2012.
[10] L. Zhu, J.H. Fang, Z. Huang. Fundamental research of low temperature combustion of biodiesel [Oral report]. US-China Clean Energy Research Center for Clean Vehicles Annual Joint Conference, Beijing, 2013.
[11] L. Zhu, C.S. Cheung, Z. Huang. NOx and Particulate Emissions of a Diesel Engine Operating on biodiesel and biodiesel blended with ethanol and methanol[C]. 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, Taiwan, 2009 .
[12] L. Zhu, W.G. Zhang, Z. Huang. Experimental Study on the Particulate Emissions and Unregulated Emissions of DI Diesel Engine Fueled with Ethanol-Biodiesel Blended Fuel[C], Conference of International Council on Combustion Engines (CIMAC), 2012.
[13] 朱磊,张武高,黄震。生物燃料对柴油机低温燃烧影响的研究。中国内燃机学会燃 烧、节能、净化分会 2010 年学术年会,重庆。
[14] 朱磊,张武高,朱浩月,黄震。生物柴油微观结构对发动机燃烧排放特性的影响。 中国工程热物理学会,2011 年燃烧学学术会议,杭州。
工程学导论 本科生 48学时 3学分
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