
2012 英国剑桥大学 工程博士
2007 马来西亚理工大学 航空机械工程学士(一级荣誉学位)
2018 – 至今: 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站, 副教授(长聘)
2011 – 2018:马来西亚理工大学, 机械工程系,高级讲师
*有硕士名额,欢迎2024年秋季入学的硕士生报名,欢迎邮件咨询 ctchong@sjtu.edu.cn
**招聘2024/2025 博士后(化工、燃烧方向)及科研助理,欢迎邮件咨询 ctchong@sjtu.edu.cn
外国优秀青年学者研究基金项目, 2022,主持,在研
牛顿高级学者研究基金奖-英国皇家学会, 2016-2019,结题
共发表150余篇论文,他引次数8000余次,H-index 48,主要发表在替代燃料、能源应用与燃烧权威期刊。其中,ESI 高被引论文9篇, Nature系列子刊1篇,主编科研论著3部
- CT Chong*, JH Ng*, Limitations to sustainable renewable jet fuels production attributed to cost than energy-water-food resource availability, Nature Communications, 14:8156, 2023
- YN Tang, CT Chong*, JH Ng, L Herraiz, J Li, HC Ong, SS Lam, M Tabatabaei, WWF Chong, Thermoexergetic analysis and response optimisation of selective exhaust gas recirculation with solvent-based CO2 capture in a natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policies, doi.org/10.1007/s10098-023-02633-w, 2023
- S Wang, CT Chong*, T Xie, J Viktor, JH Ng, Ammonia/methane dual-fuel injection and co-firing strategy in a swirl flame combustor for pollutant emissions control, Energy, 281:128221, 2023
- B Tian, L Fan, CT Chong, Z Gao, JH Ng, S Ni, L Zhu, S Hochgreb, Soot volume fraction and size measurements over laminar pool flames and pre-vaporised non-premixed flames of biofuels, methyl esters and blends with diesel, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 141:110794, 2023
- CT Chong, B Tian, JH Ng, L Fan, MV Tran, C Zhang, S Hochgreb, Measurements of soot and response optimisation of laminar pool and prevaporised jet flames for various oxygenated biofuels, Combustion and Flame, 245:112328, 2022
- X Tian, CT Chong*, S Wang, T Seljak, JH Ng, MV Tran, S Karmakar, B Tian, Flow field, flame structure and emissions quantifications of oxygenated glycerol in a swirl flame combustor, Fuel, 321:124052, 2022
- M Kumar, CT Chong, S Karmakar, Comparative assessment of combustion characteristics of limonene, Jet A-1 and blends in a swirl-stabilized combustor under the influence of pre-heated swirling air, Fuel, 316:12335, 2022
- GR Mong, CT Chong*, WWF Chong, JH Ng, HC Ong, V Ashokkumar, MV Tran, S Karmakar, BHH Goh, Progress and challenges in sustainable pyrolysis technology: Reactors, feedstocks and products, Fuel, 324:124777, 2022
- CT Chong*, M Cao, B Tian, T Xie, Measurements of soot particulate emissions of ammonia-ethylene flames using laser extinction method, Energies, 15(14):5209, 2022
- CT Chong, YV Fan, CT Lee, JJ Klemeš, Post COVID-19 ENERGY sustainability and carbon emissions neutrality, Energy, 241:122801, 2021
- CT Chong, TY Loe, KY Wong, V Ashokkumar, SS Lam, WT Chong, A Borrion, B Tian, JH Ng, Biodiesel sustainability: The global impact of potential biodiesel production on the energy-water-food (EWF) nexus, Environmental Technology and Innovation, 22 (1):101408, 2021
- BHH Goh, CT Chong*, HC Ong, T Seljak, T Katrasnik, V Jozsa, JH Ng, T Bo, S Karmakar, A Veeramuthu, Recent advancements in catalytic conversion pathways for synthetic jet fuel produced from bioresources, Energy Conversion and Management, 251 (8):114974, 2021
- T Bo, A Liu, CT Chong, L Fan, S Ni, A Hull, A Hull, S Rigopoulos, KH Luo, S Hochgreb, Measurement and simulation of sooting characteristics by an ATJ-SKA biojet fuel and blends with Jet A-1 fuel in laminar non-premixed flames, Combustion and Flames, 233:111582, 2021
- MC Chiong, CT Chong, JH Ng, S Mashruk, WWF Chong, NA Samiran, GR Mong, A Valera-Medina, Advancements of combustion technologies in the ammonia-fuelled engines, Energy Conversion and Management, 244 (1):114460, 2021
- L Fan, B Tian, CT Chong, MNM Jaafar, K Tanno, D McGrath, PM de Oliveira, B Rogg, S Hochgreb, The effect of fine droplets on laminar propagation speed of a strained acetone-methane flame: Experiment and simulations, Combustion and Flames, 229(4):111377, 2021
- GR Mong, CT Chong*, JH Ng, WWF Chong, HC Ong, MV Tran, Multivariate optimisation study and life cycle assessment of microwave-induced pyrolysis of horse manure for waste valorisation and management, Energy, 216:119194, 2020
- GR Mong, CT Chong*, JH Ng, WWF Chong, SS Lam, HC Ong, FN Ani, Microwave pyrolysis for valorisation of horse manure biowaste, Energy Conversion and Management, 220:113074, 2020
- BHH Goh, CT Chong*, Y Ge, HC Ong, J-H Ng, B Tian, A Veeramuthu, S Lim, T Seljak, V Jozsa, Progress in utilisation of waste cooking oil for sustainable biodiesel and biojet fuel production, Energy Conversion and Management, 223:113296, 2020
- CT Chong*, GR Mong, JH Ng, WWF Chong, FN Ani, SS Lam, HC Ong, Pyrolysis characteristis and kinetic studies of horse manure using thermogravimetric analysis, Energy Conversion and Management; 180:1260-1267, 2019
- CT Chong*, WH Tan, SL Lee, WWF Chong, SS Lam, A Valera-Medina, Morphology and growth of carbon nanotubes catalytically synthesised by premixed hydrocarbon-rich flames, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 197:246-255, 2017
- CT Chong*, MC Chiong, JH Ng, MV Tran, A Valera-Medina, V Jozsa, B Tian, Dual-fuel operation of biodiesel and natural gas in a model gas turbine combustor, Energy & Fuels, 34(3):3788-3796, 2020
- L Fan, CT Chong*, B Tian, Y Zheng, D McGrath, S Hochgreb, Simultaneous two-phase flame velocity measurement using laser-induced incandescence particle image velocimetry (LII-PIV), Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38:1:1589-1597, 2020
- CT Chong*, B Tian, JH Ng, L Fan, S Ni, KY Wong, S Hochgreb, Quantification of carbon particulates produced under open liquid pool and prevaporised flame conditions: Waste cooking oil biodiesel and diesel blends, Fuel, 270:117469, 2020
- CT Chong*, M-C Chiong, ZY Teo, J-H Ng, M-V Tran, SS Lam, A Valera-Medina, Pool fire burning characteristics of biodiesel, Fire Technology, 56:1703–1724, 2020
- CT Chong*, JH Ng, MS Aris, GR Mong, N Shahril, ST Ting, MF Zulkifli, Impact of gas composition variations on flame blowout and spectroscopic characteristics of lean premixed swirl flames, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 128:1-13, 2019
- CT Chong*, MC Chiong, JH Ng, M Lim, MV Tran, A Valera-Medina, WWF Chong, Oxygenated Sunflower biodiesel: spectroscopic and emissions quantification under reacting swirl spray conditions, Energy, 178:804-813, 2019
- NA Samiran, CT Chong*, JH Ng , MV Tran, HC Ong, A Valera-Medina, WWF Chong, MNM Jaafar, Experimental and numerical studies on the premixed syngas swirl flames in a model combustor, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44 (44):24126-24139, 2019
- CT Chong*, S Hochgreb, Flame structure, spectroscopy and emissions quantification of rapeseed biodiesel under model gas turbine conditions, Applied Energy, 185:1383-1392, 2017
- NA Samiran, JH Ng, MNM Jaafar, A Valera-Medina, CT Chong*, Swirl stability and emission characteristics of co-enriched syngas/air flame in a premixed swirl burner, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 112 (Part B):315-326, 2017
- NA Samiran, JH Ng, MNM Jaafar, A Valera-Medina, CT Chong*, H2-rich syngas strategy to reduce NOx and CO emissions and improve stability limits under premixed swirl combustion mode, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 41(42):19243-19255, 2016
- CT Chong, J-H Ng, Advanced Transport Biofuels-Production, Economics, and Sustainability, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-443-15879-7, 2024
- CT Chong, J-H Ng, Biojet Fuel in Aviation Applications-Production, Usage and Impacts of Biofuels, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-822854-8, 2021
- CT Chong, Combustion of Biodiesel in a Model Gas Turbine Combustor, UTM Press, ISBN: 978-983-52- 15674, 2018
- A Valera-Medina, E Ifan, CT Chong, Regularory framework in Techno-Economic Challenges of Green Ammonia as an Energy Vector Chapter: 11, Academic Press, p.259-276, 2021
Net Zero-Carbon Fuels (夏),威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站联合国可持续发展暑期课程(2022、2023、2024连续3年开设),授课对象:本科生,学时数:32,学分:2 Net Zero-Carbon Fuels (sjtu.edu.cn)
Managing Guest Editor - ENERGY (Elsevier), CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES and ENVIRONMENT POLICY (Springer Nature) 2020- present
Guest Editor – ENERGIES (MDPI, Special issue: Fuel and Engine Design for Future Thermal Propulsion Systems), 2019
上海市教育委员会中国互联网+老员工创新创业大赛“优秀创新创业导师", 2022年
杰出青年科学家,PYRO ASIA,2020年
欧盟“大满贯”科普讲解大赛(中国赛区)冠军, EURAXESS Worldwide,2018年
国际科创赛事 Omnipreneurship Awards 2020: Sustainability Branch 全能企业家精神奖入围决赛(5强),2021年