
- 1999-2003 本科 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站材料科学与工程学院;
- 2003-2008 博士 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站环境科学与工程学院;
- 2008-2018 任教 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站 环境科学与工程学院;
- 2011-2012 访问学者 法国普瓦捷大学ENSMA • UPR 实验室;
- 2018-至今 任教 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站;
- 电子垃圾的资源化处理与处置
- 废旧塑料的资源化
- 废旧锂离子电池的资源化
主持课题包括国家自然科学基金、教育部博士点基金、上海市自然科学基金;参与课题多项,涉及经费共计2107.7万元。其中包括国家自然基金重点项目1项、十一五国家高科技计划(863)专题项目2项和863滚动支持项目1项、教育部博士点基金1项、上海市节能减排科技支撑项目1项、政府招标项目1项、科技成果工业应用与转化项目各1项。并参与建设省部级工程技术研究中心3项。在国内外学术期刊、学术会议发表论文45篇,SCI检索37篇,EI检索2篇,Web of Science 核心合集数据库他引575次,包括环境领域顶级期刊ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL (IF=6.198) 10篇及市政工程领域顶级期刊J HAZARD MATER (IF=6.065) 12篇。论文“Recycle Technology for Recovering Resources and Products from Waste Printed Circuit Boards”被国外SCI期刊ENVIRON SCI TECHNOL、J HAZARD MATER等他引175次,《The New York Times(Science)》《New Scientist》《Nature China》等国内外30多家期刊网站也给予专题报道。英国皇家工程院院士,剑桥大学的Derek Fray教授认为这是一种非常重要的资源回收利用技术,具有广泛的应用前景。研究成果获国家发明专利10 项、申请国家发明专利10 项,产业化应用5项。获教育部技术发明一等奖,上海市优秀博士论文奖。
- Tan,W.J., Duan, Q.Y., Yao, L.P., Li J.*, A sensor combinatin based automatic sorting system for washing machine parts, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2022, 181, 106270
- Zhou M.X., Li B., Li J. *, Xu Z.M., Pyrometallurgical Technology in the Recycling of a Spent Lithium Ion Battery: Evolution and the Challenge, ACS EST Engg., 2021, 1, 1369-1382
- Duan Q.Y., Li J. *, Classification of Common Household Plastic Wastes Combining Multiple Methods Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, ACS EST Engg., 2021, 1, 1065-1073
- Qin Y.F., Gao K., Li J. *, Xu Z.M., Particle trajectory model for tribo-electrostatic separating mixed granular plastics, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021, 4, 100219
- Li B., Li J. *, Xu Z.M., Recover lithium and prepare nano-cobalt from spent lithium ion batteries using a one-pot mechanochemical reaction, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2021, 5, 100282
- Wu X.Y., Li J. *, Yao L.P., Xu Z.M., Auto-sorting commonly recovered plastics from waste household appliances and electronics using near-infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,246:118732.
- Yao L.P., Zeng Q., Qi T., Li J. *, An environmentally friendly discharge technology to pretreat spent lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,245:118820.
- Xiao J.F., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Challenges to Future Development of Spent Lithium Ion Batteries Recovery from Environmental and Technological Perspectives, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020,54,(1):9-25.
- Li J.,Li C.,Liao Q.C., Xu Z.M. *, Environmentally-friendly technology for rapid on-line recycling of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene, polystyrene and polypropylene using near-infrared spectroscopy, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 213, pp. 838-844, 2019, IF2018=5.651
- Li J., Xu Z.M. *, Compound tribo-electrostatic separation for recycling mixed plastic waste, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 367, pp. 43-49, 2019, IF2018=6.434
- Mao J.K., Li J.*,Xu Z.M., Coupling reactions and collapsing model in the roasting process of recycling metals from LiCoO2 batteries, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 205, pp. 923-929, 2018.
- Xiao J.F.,Li J.*,Xu Z.M., Novel Approach for In-situ Recovery of Lithium Carbonate from Spent Lithium Ion Batteries Using Vacuum Metallurgy, Environmental Science & Technology, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.7b02561, 2017. IF2016=6.198
- Xiao J.F., Li J.*, Xu Z.M., Recycling Metals from Lithium Ion Battery by Mechanical Separation and Vacuum Metallurgy, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 338, pp. 124-131, 2017. IF2016=6.065
- Li J., Gao K., Xu Z.M.*, Charge-decay electrostatic separation for removing Polyvinyl chloride, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 157, pp. 148-154, 2017. IF2016=5.715
- Li J., Jiang Y.Q., Xu Z.M.*, Eddy current separation technology for recycling printed circuit boards from crushed cell phones, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol 141, pp. 1316-1323, 2017. IF2016=5.715
- 齐婷,陈家锋,李佳*,许振明,废旧锂离子电池电极材料中钴的无氧焙烧回收,有色金属(冶炼部分),2017,05期,11-14页
- Li J., Wang G.X., Xu Z.M.*, Generation and detection of metal ions and volatile organic compounds(VOCs) emissions from the pretreatment processes for recycling spent lithium-ion batteries, Waste Management, Vol 52, pp. 221-227, 2016. IF2016=4.030
- Li J., Wang G.X., Xu Z.M.*, Environmentally-friendly oxygen-free roasting/wet magnetic separation technology for in situ recycling cobalt, lithium carbonate and graphite from spent LiCoO2/graphite lithium batteries, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol 302, pp. 97-104, 2016. IF2016= 6.065
- 高开,李佳*,许振明,旋风荷电器中塑料颗粒摩擦荷电机理,材料导报,2016,30卷,505-510页
- Li J., Wu G.Q., Xu Z.M.*, Tribo-charging Properties of Waste Plastic Granules in Process of Tribo-electrostatic Separation, Waste Management, vol 35, pp.36-41, 2015. IF2016=4.03
- Miloudi M., Dascalescu L.*, Li J., Medles K., Tilmatine A., Improved Overall Performances of a Tribo-Aero-Electrostatic Separator for Granular Plastics From Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol 51 (5),pp 4159-4165, 2015. IF2016=2.937
- 王光旭,李佳*,许振明,废旧锂离子电池中有价金属回收工艺的研究进展,材料导报,2015,07期,113-123页
- Li J., Zhou Q., Xu Z.M.*, Real-time monitoring system for improving corona electrostatic separation in process of recovering waste printed circuit boards, Waste Management & Research,Vol 32(12), pp. 1227-1234 .2014. IF2016=1.803
- Li J., Gao B., Xu Z.M.*, New technology for separating resin powder and fiberglass powder from fiberglass-resin powder of waste printed circuit boards, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol 48 (9), pp. 5171-5178, 2014. IF2016=6.198
- Miloudi M., Dascalescu L.*, Li J., Medles K., Tilmatine A., Performance improvement of a separator tribo-electrostatic aero for granular materials plastics recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, 2014 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/IAS.2014.6978353
- Miloudi M., Dascalescu L., Li J., El-Mossouess S., Medles K., Tribo-aero-electrostatic separator for coarse granular insulating materials, IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Vol 20 (5), pp1510-1515, 2013. IF=2.155
- Li J., Dascalescu L., Bilici M., Xu Z.M.*, Numerical modeling of the trajectories of plastic granules in a tribo-aeroelectrostatic,Journal of Electrostatics,2013,Vol 17(3), pp.281-286. IF2016=1.315
- Wu G.Q., Li J.*, Xu Z.M., Triboelectrostatic separation for granular plastic waste recycling: A review, Waste Management, vol 3 (3), pp.585-597, 2013. IF2016=4.03
- Li J., Dascalescu L.*, Miloudi M., Bilici M., Xu Z.M., Physical model of granule adhesion to the belt-electrodes of a tribo-aero-electrostatic separator, Journalof physics: Conference Series, 2013, 418, 012073
- Li J., Dascalescu L.*, Newly-patented technical solutions for improving the tribo-electrostatic separation of mixed granular solids, Recent Patents on Engineering, 2012, vol 6, pp. 104-115. (Invited Review).
- Xue M.Q., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatic separation for recycling conductors, semiconductors, and nonconductors from electronic waste, Environmental science & technology Vol 46 (19), pp.10556-10563, 2012. IF2016=6.198
- Xue M.Q., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Environmental friendly crush-magnetic separation technology for recycling metal-plated plastics from end-of-life vehicles, Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, Vol 46, pp. 2661-2667. IF2016=5.481
- Huang K., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Enhancement of the recycling of waste Ni–Cd and Ni–MH batteries by mechanical treatment, Waste Management, 2011, Vol 31, pp. 1292-1299. IF2016=4.03
- Ruan J.J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, An environmental friendly recovery production line of waste toner cartridges, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2011, Vol 185, pp. 696-702. IF2016= 6.065
- Li J., Xu Z.M.*, “Environmental Friendly Automatic Line for Recovering Metal from Waste Printed Circuit Boards”, Environmental Science & Technology, 2010, vol 44, pp.1418-1423. IF2016= 6.198
- Huang K., Li, J., Xu, Z.M.*, “Characterization and recycling of cadmium from waste nickel-cadmium batteries”, Waste Management, 2010, vol 30, pp. 2292-2298. IF2016=4.03
- Huang K., Li J., Xu Z.M.*. A Novel Process for Recovering Valuable Metals from Waste Nickel-Cadmium Batteries. Environmental Science & Technology, 2009,43,8974-8978, IF2016=6.198
- Xu Z.M.*, Li J., Lu H.Z., Wu J., Dynamics of conductive and nonconductive particles under high-voltage electrostatic coupling field, Science in China: Series E Technological Sciences, 2009, 52(8):2359-2366. IF2016=1.019
- Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*. An Improved Model for Computing the Trajectories of Conductive Particles in Roll-Type Electrostatic Separator for Recycling Metals from WEEE. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2009,167:489-493. IF2016=6.065
- Li J., Lu H.Z., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Critical Rotational Speed Model of the Rotating Roll Electrode in Corona Electrostatic Separation for recycling waste printed circuit boards, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 154 (3): 331-336. IF2016=6.065
- Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Theoretic model and computer simulation of separating mixture metal particles from waste printed circuit board by electrostatic separator, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 153(3): 1308-1313. IF2016=6.065
- Li J., Lu H.Z., Liu S.S., Xu Z.M.*, Optimizing the operating parameters of corona electrostatic separation for recycling waste scraped printed circuit boards by computer simulation of electric field. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 153(1): 269-275. IF2016=6.065
- Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Lu H.Z., Zhou Y.H., A Model for computing the trajectories of the conducting particles from waste printed circuit boards in corona electrostatic separators. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008,151:52-57. IF2016=6.065
- Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatic Separation for Recovering Metals and Nonmetals from Waste Printed Circuit Board: Problems and Improvements, Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42: 5272-5276. IF2016=6.198
- Guo J., Li J., Rao Q.L., Xu Z.M.*, Phenolic Molding Compound Filled with Nonmetals of Waste PCBs, Environmental Science & Technology, 2008, 42(2): 624-628, IF2016=6.198
- Lu H.Z., Li J., Guo J., Xu Z.M.*, Dynamics of spherical metallic particles in cylinder electrostatic separators/purifiers, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 156(1):74-79, IF2016=6.065
- Lu H.Z.; Li J.; Guo J.; Xu Z.M.*, Movement behavior in electrostatic separation: Recycling of metal materials from waste printed circuit board, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 197(1-3), pp 101-108, 1/2/2008,IF2016=3.147
- Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, A new two-roll electrostatic separator for recycling of metals and nonmetals from waste printed circuit board,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 161(1): 257-262, IF2016=6.065
- Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatic separation for multi-size granule of crushed printed circuit board waste using two-roll separator,Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 159(2-3): 230-234, IF2016=6.065
- Wu J., Li J., Xu Z.M.*, Optimization of key factors of the electrostatic separation for crushed PCB wastes using roll-type separator. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2008, 154(1): 161-167, IF2016=6.065
- Li J., Lu H.Z., Guo J., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Recycle technology for recovering resources and products from waste printed circuit boards. Environmental Science & Technology, 2007, 41(6):1995-2000, IF2016=6.198
- Li J., Lu H.Z., Xu Z.M.*, Zhou Y.H., Application of corona discharge and electrostatic force to separate metals and nonmetals from crushed particles of waste printed circuit boards. Journal of Electrostatics, 2007, 65:233-238, IF2016=1.315
- Guo J., Li J., Rao Q.L., Xu Z.M., Phenolic molding compound filled with nonmetals of waste PCBs, Environmental science & technology Vol 42 (2), 624-628, 2007. IF=4.363,他引50次
- 路洪洲,李佳,郭杰,许振明*. Pulverization Characteristics and Pulverizing of Waste Printed Circuit Boards (Printed Wiring Boards) Based on Resource Utilization(基于可资源化的废弃印刷线路板的破碎及破碎性能). Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, Vol 41 (4): p: 551-556
- Lu H.Z., Li J., Guo J., Xu Z.M.*, Electrostatics of spherical metallic particles in cylinder electrostatic separators/sizers, Journal of Physics D (Applied Physics), 2006, 39(18): 4111-4115, DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/39/18/023, IF2016=2.588
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- 培养的研究生中2人获得研究生国家奖学金,获得上海市优秀毕业生2人次。连续指导10项老员工创新项目(第八期,第十期,第十二期,第十四期,第十五期),其中三项升级为国家级创新项目,三项校内答辩优秀。指导的本科员工申请发明专利8项,授权3项,指导本科生在Environmental Science & Technology和Journal of Cleaner Production上发表SCI论文2篇。热诚欢迎具有环境、材料、计算机、机械等背景的考生报考。