2016-至今 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,机械与电力工程学院,内燃机研究所,特别研究员
2014-2016年 普林斯顿大学,机械与航空工程系,燃料与燃烧实验室,博士后研究员
2013-2016年 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,机械与电力工程学院,内燃机研究所,博士后研究员
2008-2009年 密西根大学,机械工程系,Water E Lay汽车实验室,访问员工
2007-2012年 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,机械与电力工程学院,内燃机研究所,研究助理
2012年威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站 博士
2007年密西根大学(安娜堡) 硕士
2005年吉林大学 学士
汽车工程师学会(Society of Automotive Engineers),会员
国际燃烧学会(International Combustion Institute),会员
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Energy, Thermal Science, Engineering Science and Technology: an International Journal, Proc. IMechE, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, Journal of the Energy Institute, Fuel, Energy Conversion and Management, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Energy & Fuels, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 内燃机学报, Society of Automotive Engineers, 中国工程热物理会议燃烧学分会
- 内燃机先进燃烧理论
- 燃料喷射与着火
- 燃烧及反应流动
- 2014 - 2016:国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,长碳链脂肪酸甲酯喷雾及着火特性的基础研究,负责人
- 2013 - 2014:中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助,中等碳链脂肪酸甲酯在发动机近似条件下着火特性研究,负责人
- 2015 - 2019:国家自然科学基金重点项目,车用生物柴油模型燃料及其燃烧的基础研究,主要参加人
1. Dong Han, Sili Deng, Wenkai Liang, Peng Zhao, Fujia Wu, Zhen Huang, Chung K. Law. Laminar flame propagation and nonpremixed stagnation ignition of toluene and xylenes. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017; 36(1): 479-489.
2. Dong Han, Ke Li, Yaozong Duan, He Lin, Zhen Huang. Numerical study on fuel physical effects on the split injection processes on a common rail injection system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017; 134: 47-58.
3. Mingyuan Tao, Dong Han, Peng Zhao. An alternative approach to accommodate detailed ignition chemistry in combustion simulation. Combustion and Flame, 2017; 176: 400-408.
4. Sili Deng, Dong Han, Chung K. Law. Ignition and extinction of strained nonpremixed cool flames at elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame, 2017; 176: 143-150.
5. Yong Qian, Hua Li, Dong Han, Libin Ji, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Octane rating effects of direct injection fuels on dual fuel HCCI-DI stratified combustion mode with port injection of n-heptane. Energy, 2016; 111: 1003-1016.
6. Zhen Huang, Zhongzhao Li, Jianyong Zhang, Xingcai Lu, Junhua Fang, Dong Han. Active fuel design—A way to manage the right fuel for HCCI engines. Frontiers in Energy, 2016; 10(1): 14-28.
7. Dong Han, Yaozong Duan, Chunhai Wang, He Lin, Zhen Huang, Margaret Wooldridge. Experimental study of the two-stage injection process of fatty acid esters on a common rail injection system. Fuel, 2016; 163: 214-222.
8. Dong Han, Yaozong Duan, Chunhai Wang, He Lin, Zhen Huang. Experimental investigation on the two stage injection of diesel and gasoline blends on a common rail injection system. Fuel, 2015; 159: 470-475.
9. Yaozong Duan, Dong Han, Pengfei Li, Chunhai Wang, He Lin, Zhen Huang. Experimental study on injection and macroscopic spray characteristics of ethyl oleate, jet fuel and their blend on a diesel engine common rail system. Atomization and Sprays, 2015; 25 (9): 777-793.
10. Dong Han, Chunhai Wang, Yaozong Duan, Zhisong Tian, Zhen Huang. An experimental study of injection and spray characteristics of diesel and gasoline blends on a common rail injection system. Energy, 2014; 75: 513-519.
11. Yue Wang, Zheng Yang, Xin Yang, Dong Han, Zhen Huang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental and modeling studies on ignition delay times of methyl hexanoate/n-butanol blend fuels at elevated pressures. Energy Fuels, 2014; 28 (8): 5515-5522.
12. Dong Han, Yaozong Duan, Chunhai Wang, He Lin, Zhen Huang. Experimental study on injection characteristics of fatty acid esters on a diesel engine common rail system. Fuel, 2014; 123: 19-25.
13. Xingcai Lu, Yong Qian, Zheng Yang, Dong Han, Jibin Ji, Xiaoxin Zhou, Zhen Huang. Experimental study on compound HCCI (homogenous charge compression ignition) combustion fueled with gasoline and diesel blends. Energy, 2014; 64: 707-718.
14. Dong Han, Huanyu Guang, Zheng Yang, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Effects of equivalence ratio and carbon dioxide concentration on premixed charge compression ignition of gasoline and diesel-like fuel blends. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2013; 27(8): 2507-2512.
15. Dong Han, Huanyu Guang, Zheng Yang, Xingcai Lu, Zhen Huang. Premixed ignition characteristics of blends of gasoline and diesel-like fuels on a rapid compression ignition machine. Thermal Science, 2013; 17 (1):1-10.
16. Xingcai Lu, Xiaoxin Zhou, Libin Ji, Zheng Yang, Dong Han, Chen Huang, Zhen Huang. Experimental studies on the dual-fuel sequential combustion and emission simulation. Energy, 2013; 51(3):358-373.
17. Zhen Huang, Libin Ji, Dong Han, Zheng Yang, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study on dual-fuel compound homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion. International Journal of Engine Research, 2013; 14(1): 23-33.
18. Dong Han, Andrew M. Ickes, Stanislav V. Bohac, Zhen Huang, Dennis N. Assanis. HC and CO emissions of premixed low-temperature combustion fueled by blends of diesel and gasoline. Fuel, 2012; 99: 13-19.
19. Xingcai Lu, Dong Han, Zhen Huang. Fuel design and management for the control of advanced compression-ignition combustion modes. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2011; 37 (6): 741-783.
20. Dong Han, Andrew M. Ickes, Stanislav V. Bohac, Zhen Huang, Dennis N. Assanis. Premixed low-temperature combustion of blends of diesel and gasoline in a high speed compression ignition engine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2011; 33 (2): 3039 - 3046.
21. 韩东,吕兴才,黄震,Dennis N Assanis. 喷射时刻对纯柴油和汽油/柴油混合燃料低温燃烧的影响.内燃机学报,2011; 29(3): 200-205.
22. Dong Han, Andrew M. Ickes, Dennis N. Assanis, Zhen Huang, Stanislav V. Bohac. Attainment and load extension of high-efficiency premixed low-temperature combustion with dieseline in a compression ignition engine. Energy Fuels, 2010; 24(6):3517-3525.
23. Dong Han, Xingcai Lu, Junjun Ma, Libin Ji, Chen Huang, Zhen Huang. Influence of fuel supply timing and mixture preparation on the characteristics of stratified charge compression ignition combustion with n-heptane fuel. Combustion Science and Technology, 2009; 181(11): 1327-1344.
24. Libin Ji, Xingcai Lu, Junjun Ma, Chen Huang, Dong Han, and Zhen Huang. Experimental study on influencing factors of iso-octane thermo-atmosphere combustion in a dual-fuel stratified charge compression ignition (SCCI) engine. Energy Fuels, 2009; 23, 2405 - 2412.
25. 韩东,吕兴才,黄震. 柴油机低温燃烧的研究进展.车用发动机, 2008, 2: 5-9.
1.Dong Han, Sili Deng, Wenkai Liang, Peng Zhao, Fujia Wu, Zhen Huang, Chung K. Law. Laminar flame propagation and nonpremixed stagnation ignition of toluene and xylenes. 36th International Symposium on Combustion, July 31 - August 6, 2016, Seoul, South Korea.
2.Dong Han, Peng Zhao, Zhen Huang. Dilution, thermal and chemical effects of carbon dioxide on the two-stage auto-ignition process of n-Heptane. SAE Technical Paper 2016-01-0756, 2016.
3.Dong Han, Sili Deng, Wenkai Liang, Peng Zhao, Fujia Wu, Zhen Huang, Chung K. Law. Laminar premixed flame propagation and non-premixed ignition of toluene and xylenes. 2016 Spring Technical Meeting, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, March 13-16, 2016, Princeton, New Jersey, USA.
4.Luis G Gutierrez, Mohamad Fatouraie, Steve Xiao, Margaret Wooldridge, Dong Han, He Lin, Yaozong Duan, Zhen Huang. The effect of ester structure on transient fuel spray characteristics including novel image analysis to quantify air entrainment. ASME 2015 Internal Combustion Engine Division Fall Technical Conference, November 8-11, 2015, Houston, Texas, USA, ICEF2015-1025.
5.Dong Han, Yaozong Duan, Chunhai Wang, He Lin, Zhen Huang. Macroscopic spray characteristics of fatty acid esters on a common rail injection system. 17th Annual Conference of Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems - Asia (ILASS-Asia), October 26-29, 2014, Shanghai, China.
6.Yaozong Duan, Dong Han, Qijian Jing, Chunhai Wang, He Lin, Zhen Huang. Experimental Investigation on Two Stage Injection Characteristics of Diesel and Gasoline Blends on a Common Rail Injection System. 17th Annual Conference of Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems - Asia (ILASS-Asia), October 26-29, 2014, Shanghai, China.