- 2011/09 - 2016/02 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学(The University of Adelaide),化学工程,博士
- 2007/09 - 2011/07 华北电力大学(北京), 热能与动力工程,学士
- 2021/01 至今 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,副教授
- 2018/03 - 2021/01 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,助理教授
- 2016/03 - 2018/03 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,机械与动力工程学院,博士后
- 激光测试技术(激光成像及图像处理)
- 机器视觉
- 传感器融合
- 2024-2027,2023年度国家重点研发计划,课题负责人
- 2024-2027,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人
- 2022-2024,沃尔沃汽车可持续发展研究项目,产学研合作项目,负责人
- 2023-2024,西门子-上海交大产学研合作项目,课题负责人
- 2020-2021,基于机器视觉的混合可回收物快速识别与定位技术,产学研合作项目, 负责人
- 2021-2023,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,负责人
- 2019-2022,上海市科委扬帆计划,负责人
- 2018-2019,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站爱丁堡大学种子基金,负责人
- 2016-2017,快速压缩-膨胀机的建立及其缸内燃烧的瞬态过程诊断,博士后科学基金面上资助(一等), 负责人
- 2016-2017,后处理HC喷射模块研究项目,中航工业集团-交大, 负责人
- 2016-2017,Spray Impingement Characterization of Delphi Fuel Injectors in Chamber and Flow Field Investigation in SIDI Optical Engine,GM-North America R&D center, $200,000, participant
- 2015-2016,Development of optical SIDI engine, JAC, China, RMB 1,500,000 ,participant
- 2017-2018,Effect of lubricant oil component on engine knocking and preignition, ExxonMobil,RMB 1,200,000,participant
- 2013-2015, Controlled radiation facility to investigate turbulence-radiation-chemistry interactions in high-flux solar reactors; USyd, UNSW and UoA (Chem Eng & Mech Eng); ARC LIEF (LE130100127),Australian Research Council, participant
- 2011-2015,LP110200060,Investigation of the coupled dependence of concentrated solar radiation and combustion in a novel solar hybrid technology,Australian Research Council (ARC),participant
Journal Articles
Shiyu Liu, Haiou Wang, Zhiwei Sun, Kae Ken Foo, Graham J. Nathan, Xue Dong, Michael J. Evans, Bassam B. Dally, Kun Luo, Jianren Fan, Reconstructing soot fields in acoustically forced laminar sooting flames using physics-informed machine learning models, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 40, Issues 1–4, 2024,105314, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2024.105314.
Chen, H.; Dong, X.; Lei, J.; Zhang, N.; Wang, Q.; Shi, Z.; Yang, J. Life Cycle Assessment of Carbon Capture by an Intelligent Vertical Plant Factory within an Industrial Park. Sustainability 2024, 16, 697. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16020697
Xiangyu Nie, Wei Zhang, Xue Dong*, Paul R. Medwell, Graham J. Nathan, Zhiwei Sun*, Reconstructing temperature fields from OH distribution and soot volume fraction in turbulent flames using an artificial neural network, Combustion and Flame, Volume 259, 2024, 113182, ISSN 0010-2180, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.113182.
Lin, Y.; Dong, H.; Ye, W.; Dong, X.; Xu, S. InfoLa-SLAM: Efficient Lidar-Based Lightweight Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Information-Based Keyframe Selection and Landmarks Assisted Relocalization. Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 4627. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs15184627
H. Wang, Y. Lin, W. Zhang, W. Ye, M. Zhang and X. Dong, "Safe Autonomous Exploration and Adaptive Path Planning Strategy Using Signed Distance Field," in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 144663-144675, 2023, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3344218.
Wei Zhang, Xue Dong, Zhiwei Sun, Shuogui Xu; An unsupervised deep learning model for dense velocity field reconstruction in particle image velocimetry (PIV) measurements. Physics of Fluids 1 July 2023; 35 (7): 077108. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0152865
Zhang, H.; Dong, X.; Sun, Z. Object Detection through Fires Using Violet Illumination Coupled with Deep Learning. Fire 2023, 6, 222. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire6060222
Zhang, W., Nie, X., Dong, X., Sun, Z. Pyramidal deep-learning network for dense velocity field reconstruction in particle image velocimetry. Exp Fluids 64, 12 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-022-03540-4
Hu, W.; Dong, X.; Liu, N.; Chen, Y. LUMDE: Light-Weight Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation via Knowledge Distillation. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 12593. https://doi.org/10.3390/app122412593
Nie, Xiangyu, Zhejun Xu, Wei Zhang, Xue Dong*, Ning Liu, and Yuanfeng Chen. 2022. "Foggy Lane Dataset Synthesized from Monocular Images for Lane Detection Algorithms" Sensors 22, no. 14: 5210. https://doi.org/10.3390/s22145210
Guo, H., Zhang, W., Nie, X., Dong, X.*, Sun, ZW., Zhou, B., Wang, ZK., Mattias, R. High-speed planar imaging of OH radicals in turbulent flames assisted by deep learning. Appl. Phys. B 128, 52 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00340-021-07742-2
Wei Zhang, Xue Dong, Zhiwei Sun, Bo Zhou, Zhenkan Wang, Mattias Richter; 100 kHz CH2O imaging realized by lower speed planar laser-induced fluorescence and deep learning. Optics Express 30857, Vol. 29, No. 19 / 13 Sep 2021. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.433785
Zhang, W., Dong, X., Liu, C., Nathan, J. G., Dally, B.,B., Rowhani, A., Sun, ZW., Generating planar distributions of soot particles from luminosity images in turbulent flames using deep learning. Appl. Phys. B 127, 18 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00340-020-07571-9
Dong X, Yang J, Chan QN. Influence of flash boiling and swirl ratio on the gasoline spray structure in a spark-ignition optical engine: An experimental study. Journal of the Energy Institute. 94, pp. 233-241, 2020.
Xue Dong, Bin Wang, Ho Lung Yip, Qing Nian Chan*; CO2 Emission of Electric and Gasoline Vehicles under Various Road Conditions for China, Japan, Europe and World Average—Prediction through Year 2040, Appl. Sci. 2019, 9(11), 2295
Xue Dong, Jie Yang, David L.S. Hung, Xuesong Li, Min Xu*; Effects of flash boiling injection on in-cylinder spray, mixing and combustion of a spark-ignition direct-injection engine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(4), pp. 4921-4928
Xuesong Li, Hujie Pan, Xue Dong, David L.S. Hung, Min Xu*; Spray impingement wall film breakup by wave entrainment. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(3), pp. 3287-3294
Jie Yang, Xue Dong*, Qiang Wu, Min Xu; Effects of enhanced tumble ratios on the in-cylinder performance of a gasoline direct injection optical engine. Applied Energy 2019; 236:137-146
Chan Q.N., Fattah I.M.R., Zhai G., Yip H.L., Chen T.B.Y., Yuen A.C.Y., Yang W., Wehrfritz A., Dong X., Kook S. and Yeoh G.H., Color-ratio pyrometry methods for flame-wall impingement study, Journal of the Energy Institute, 2019,92(6),1968-197
Tianyun Li, Xue Dong, David L.S. Hung, Xuesong Li, Min Xu*. Analysis of evaporation characteristics and heat transfer for flash-boiling sprays. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127(2018):244-254
Xue Dong*, Zhiwei Sun, Dahe Gu, Peter J. Ashman, Zeyad T. Alwahabi, Bassam B. Dally, Graham J. Nathan. The influence of high flux radiation from a concentrated solar simulator on a sooty flame: assessed via soot concentration and flame temperature measurements. Combustion and flame 2016; 171: 103–11.
Xue Dong*, Nathan GJ, Mahmoud S, Ashman PJ, Gu D, Dally BB. (2015): Global characteristics of non-premixed jet flames of hydrogen–hydrocarbon blended fuels. Combustion and Flame 2015; 162:1326-35.
Xue Dong*, Sun Z, Nathan GJ, Ashman PJ, Gu D. (2015): Time-resolved spectra of solar simulators employing metal halide and xenon arc lamps. Solar Energy 2015; 115:613-20.
Xue Dong*, Nathan GJ, Sun Z, Gu D, Ashman PJ. Concentric multilayer model for high intensity discharge lamps in solar simulators. Solar Energy 2015; 122:293-306.
Xue Dong*, Nathan GJ, Sun Z, Ashman PJ, Gu D. Secondary Concentrators to Achieve High Flux Radiation with Metal Halide Solar Simulators. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering 2016; Vol. 138 / 041001-1.
Dahe Gu*, Zhiwei Sun, Graham J. Nathan, Xue Dong, Zeyad T. Alwahabi, Bassam B. Dally, Paul R. Medwell. Optical thermometry for high temperature multiphase environments under high-flux irradiation; Solar Energy 2017; 146, 191–198.
Jie Yang, Min Xu*, David L.S. Hung, Qiang Wu, Xue Dong. Influence of swirl ratio on fuel distribution and cyclic variation under flash boiling conditions in a SIDI engine. Energy Conversion and Management 2017; 138, 565–576.
Jie Yang, Xue Dong, Qiang Wu, Min Xu*. Influence of flash boiling spray on the combustion characteristics of a Spark-Ignition Direct-Injection Optical Engine at cold start. Combustion and flame 2018;188, 66-76
Yi Gao, Shengqi Wu, Xue Dong, Xuesong Li, Min Xu, Evaporation and atomization characteristics of dual-fuel system under flash boiling conditions. Appl. Therm. Eng. 2019, 161, 114161
张洋,秦文瑾,李庆,等. 嵌入物理约束的3D CNN在流场预测中的应用[J]. 计算机仿真,2023,40(8):360-364,369. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-9348.2023.08.068.
郭昊,董雪,孙志伟,等. 级联递归神经网络架构的湍流时空预测模型[J]. 计算机仿真,2022,39(11):338-343,415. DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1006-9348.2022.11.067.
[1]徐哲钧,张暐,郭昊,张洋,李庆,董雪.雾天车道线识别方法:FoggyCULane数据集的创建[J/OL].计算机工程与应用:1-11[2022-05-16].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2127.TP.20210507.1122.002.html https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2127.TP.20210507.1122.002.html
文灿华,李佳,董雪.基于Faster RCNN的生活垃圾智能识别[J/OL].激光与光电子学进展:1-11[2020-09-29].
http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/31.1690.TN.20200611.1105.018.html -
吴东远, 李雪松, 董雪, 许敏. 快速压缩 (膨胀) 机的湍流问题和光学诊断优化方法[J]. 车用发动机, 2017 (1): 1-7.
吴强, 许敏,杨杰, 董雪. 进气滚流强度对直喷发动机燃烧特性的影响[J]. 车用发动机, 2017 (3): 1-7. 中文核心期刊
程似骐,许敏,高弈,吴胜奇,董雪. 双组分燃油蒸馏及喷雾闪沸特性研究[J]. 车用发动机机, 2017 (2): 1-7. 中文核心期刊
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
Xue Dong(*), Graham J. Nathan, Zhiwei Sun, Dahe Gu, Peter J. Ashman, Zeyad Alwahabi, Bassam Dally. (2015): The influence of high flux broadband radiation on soot concentration and temperature in a sooty flame. Australian Combustion Symposium, Melbourne, 7-9 December, 2015. (Presentation)
Xue Dong(*), Graham J. Nathan, Zhiwei Sun, Dahe Gu, Peter J. Ashman, Zeyad Alwahabi, Bassam Dally. (2015): Influence of simulated solar radiation on the soot volume fraction in laminar sooty flames. 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Beijing, China, July 19-22, 2015. (Presentation)
Dahe Gu(*), Zhiwei Sun, Graham J. Nathan, Xue Dong, Zeyad Alwahabi, Bassam Dally (2015): Application of Two-line Atomic Fluorescence in Sooting Flames under Irradiation from a High-Flux Solar Simulator. 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion (ASPACC), Beijing, China, July 19-22, 2015. (Presentation)
Xue Dong(*), Peter J. Ashman, Graham J. Nathan, Zhiwei Sun. (2013): Optical design of a high flux solar simulator configurable to achieve either a line or a point focus. Proceedings of Chemeca 2013: challenging tomorrow : 29 September – 2 October 2013, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Queensland / Chemical College, Engineers Australia. ISBN: 9781922107077. (presentation)
Xue Dong(*), Peter J. Ashman, Graham J. Nathan. (2013): Global characteristics of hydrogen-hydrocarbon blended fuels turbulent diffusion flames; Proceedings of The Australian Combustion Symposium Nov 6 -8, 2013, The University Club of Western Australia; ISSN 1839-8162. (presentation)
Xue Dong(*), Peter J. Ashman, Graham J. Nathan. (2012): A high-flux solar simulator system for investigating the influence of concentrated solar radiation on turbulent reacting flows. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Conference, Australian Solar Energy Society (Australian Solar Council) Melbourne December 2012, ISBN: 978-0-646-90071-1. (presentation)
L.I. Jie, L.I.U. Shi(*), L.E.I. Jing, B.A.I. Xiang, C.H.E.N. Wei, D.O.N.G. Xue, W.A.N.G. Neng and X.U. Wei (2010) 'Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation On Stability of Flame Combustion Based On Time Frequency Analysis And Higher-Order Statistics', World’s Sixth Industrial Process Imaging Conference in April 2010. (presentation)
Qinglin Xu, Min Xu(*), David L. S. Hung, Shengqi Wu, Xue Dong (2016). Experimental investigation into statistic mass flowrate of superheated fuel sprays. FISITA World Automotive Congress. 26-30 September 2016, Busan, Korea, F2016-ESYH-017.
Pan Hujie, Xu Min(*), Hung David L. S., Wu Shengqi, Gu Peng, Dong Xue (2016). Effect of ambient temperature on spray structure and evaporation of liquid spray and flash-boiling spray. FISITA World Automotive Congress. 26-30 September 2016, Busan, Korea, F2016-ESYH-010.
Jie Yang, Xu Min(*), David L.S. Hung, Qiang Wu, Xue Dong. Experimental study of swirl ratio on fuel distribution before ignition using laser induced fluorescence. ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia, Chennai, India.
Huijia Lv, David L.S. Hung(*), Min Xu, Hujie Pan, Xue Dong. Experimental Investigation of Behavior and Drop Size of Impinging Spray at Ultra-Low Temperature Conditions. ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia, Chennai, India.
Peng Gu, Min Xu(*), David L. S. Hung, Shengqi Wu, Xue Dong. Quantitative Analysis of Various Empirical Equations for Fuel Sprays. ILASS-Asia 2016, 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia, Chennai, India.
Jie Yang, Xu Min(*), David L.S. Hung, Qiang Wu, Xue Dong. Characteristics and Cyclic Variation of Spray under the Influence of Swirl Ratio and Flash Boiling in SIDI Engine. WCX™ 17: SAE World Congress Experience scheduled for April 4-6, 2017 in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Hujie Pan, Xu Min(*), David L.S. Hung, Huijia Lv, Xue Dong. Experimental Investigation of Fuel Film Characteristics of Ethanol Impinging Spray at Ultra-Low Temperature. WCX™ 17: SAE World Congress Experience scheduled for April 4-6, 2017 in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Qinglin Xu, Xu Min(*), David L.S. Hung, Shengqi Wu, Xue Dong. Diesel Spray Characterization at Ultra-High Injection Pressure of DENSO 250 MPa Common Rail Fuel Injection System. WCX™ 17: SAE World Congress Experience scheduled for April 4-6, 2017 in Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Jie Yang, *Min Xu, Xue Dong, Qiang Wu. Effects of Enhanced Tumble Ratios on Combustion Performance in SIDI Optical Engine; The 9th International Conference on Modelling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, 25-28th July, 2017, Okayama, Japan.
Yi Gao, Min Xu, Xue Dong. Impacts of VVT Coupled Miller Cycle Strategies (LIVC and EIVC) on Thermal Efficiency in a Boosted DISI Engine; The 9th International Conference on Modelling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, 25-28th July, 2017, Okayama, Japan.
Cao Jingjing, *Xu Min, David L.S. Hung, Pan Hujie1, Dong Xue. Uncertainty Quantification of Spray Wall Impingement Simulation; The 9th International Conference on Modelling and Diagnostics for Advanced Engine Systems, 25-28th July, 2017, Okayama, Japan.
杨杰,吴强,董雪,许敏,孔令逊. 不同闪沸程度的喷雾对直喷汽油发动机内燃烧特性的影响. 中国工程热物理学会,2016年10月21-23日,安徽,马鞍山.
张暐,孙志伟,徐哲钧,郭昊,董雪. 基于湍流火焰自发光图像及深度神经网络反演PLII成像. 中国工程热物理学会燃烧学年会,2020年11月12-15日,福建,厦门.
1. 测试原理、传感器与系统 (Basic Principle of Sensors and Systems for Mechanical Measurement),48学时
1. 中国发明专利: 一种压缩膨胀机的驱动机构, ZL 201810041518.8
1. Solar Energy
2. Applied thermal engineering
3. ASME: ICEF2016 conference
4. SAE International
- 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站“教书育人奖”三等奖
- Dean’s Commendation for Doctoral Thesis Excellence, awarded by The University of Adelaide
- 2019年中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会优秀科普作品奖
Awards to Students Supervised by Dr Xue Dong:
- 2019年中国“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛上海交大金奖
- 2019年第五届“钱学森杯”老员工科技创新竞赛二等奖
- 2018年“创业在上海”团体组项目立项,立项经费10万元
- 2018年“中国创翼”创新创业大赛上海赛区二等奖(上海市10强)
- 2018年“创青春”上海青年创新创业大赛 AI PARK专项赛优胜奖(上海市六强)
- 2018年“创青春”上海青年创新创业大赛综合赛创新组入围奖(上海市八强)
- 2018年“中美创客”创新创业大赛上海赛区三等奖
- 2018年中国“互联网+”老员工创新创业大赛上海交大三等奖