
2010-2015 中国科学院理化技术研究所,博士
2006-2010 中国海洋大学,学士
2022.01-至今 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站,长聘教轨副教授
2015.07-2021.12 中国科学院理化技术研究所,助理研究员/项目副研究员
2018.12-2020.12 美国密西根大学,访问学者
1. 智能节能材料、器件和低碳应用
1). 智能光热、光电和热电调控材料
2). 太阳能利用与建筑和交通节能
2. 低碳能源转化
1). 绿氢与人工光合作用
2). 甲烷重整及去除
1). Ying Li, Liang Qiu, Rui Tian, Zhongli Liu, Lin Yao*, Lufei Huang, Wei Li, Yuyin Wang, Tao Wang*, Baowen Zhou*. Chirality Engineering of Nanostructured Copper Oxide for Enhancing Oxygen Evolution from Water Electrolysis. Small 2024, DOI: 10.1002/smll.202408248.(13.5/Q1)
2). Lufei Huang, Tao Wang, Ying Li, Ping Wang, Rui Tian, BaowenZhou*, LinYao*. Chiral Helically Grooved Gold Nanoarrows for Concurrently Enhancing Oxygen and Hydrogen Evolution from Electrochemical Water Splitting. Science China Chemistry 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11426-024-2136-1. (10.1/Q1)
3). Yiming Liu, Wenxuan Lv, Jizhe Feng, Junwei Tian, Ping Wang, Ligang Xu*, Yi Long*, Lin Yao*. Emerging Thermochromic Perovskite Materials: Insights into Fundamentals, Recent Advances and Applications. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 2402234. (19/Q1)
4). Yixin Li, Jinglin Li, Tianqi Yu, Liang Qiu, Syed M. Najib Hasan, Lin Yao*, Hu Pan, Shamsul Arafin*, Sharif Md. Sadaf*, Lei Zhu, Baowen Zhou*. Rh/InGaN1-xOx nanoarchitecture for light-driven methane reforming with carbon dioxide toward syngas. Science Bulletin,2024, 69, 1400-1409. (18.9/Q1)
5). Lin Yao*, Yiming Liu, Wei Li*. Advancing Toward the Commercial Viability Threshold of Smart Windows Utilizing Thermochromic Polymer Blends. SCIENCE CHINA Materials. 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40843-024-3160-9.
1). Baowen Zhou†*, Jinglin Li†, Xinyue Dong, Lin Yao*, GaN Nanowires/Si Photocathodes for CO2 Reduction towards Solar Fuels and Chemicals: Advances, Challenges, and Prospects, Science China Chemistry, 2023, 66, 739-754. (10.138/Q1)
2). Xiao Shao, Cheng Zhu, Prashant Kumar, Yanan Wang, Jun Lu, Minjeong Cha, Lin Yao, Yuan Cao, Xiaoming Mao, Hendrik Heinz, Nicholas A. Kotov*, Voltage Modulated Untwist Deformations and Multispectral Optical Effects from Ion Intercalation into Chiral Ceramic Nanoparticles, Advanced Materials. 2023, 35, 2206956.
1). Yiman Liu†, Rui Sun†, Binbin Jin, Tong Li, Lin Yao*, Lili Feng, Junhui He *, Superhydrophobic VO2 Nanoparticle/PDMS Composite Films as Thermochromic, Anti-icing, and Self-Cleaning Coatings. ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022, 5 (4), 5599.
2). Jinyue Ma, Lufei Huang, Baowen Zhou, Lin Yao*, Construction and Catalysis Advances of Inorganic Chiral Nanostructures. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2022, 80 (11), 1507.
1). Rui Sun†, Binbin Jin†, Lin Yao*, Yiman Liu, Jing Li, Jie Liang, Junhui He *, Controllable Design of Bifunctional VO2 Coatings with Superhydrophobic and Thermochromic Performances. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (11), 13751.
2). Zhe Qu, Lin Yao*, Jing Li, Junhui He*, Jie Mi, Shihui Ma, Siyao Tang, Lili Feng, Bifunctional Template-Induced VO2@SiO2 Dual-Shelled Hollow Nanosphere-Based Coatings for Smart Windows, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 15960.
3) Zhe Qu, Lin Yao*, Shihui Ma, Jing Li, Junhui He,*, Jie Mi, Siyao Tang, Lili Feng, Rational design of HSNs/VO2 bilayer coatings with optimized optical performances and mechanical robustness for smart windows, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, 2019, 200, 109920.
4) Lin Yao, Zhe Qu, Rui Sun, Zili Pang, Ying Wang, Binbin Jin, Junhui He, Long-Lived Multilayer Coatings for Smart Windows: Integration of Energy-Saving, Antifogging, and Self-Healing Functions, ACS Applied Energy & Materials, 2019, 2, 7467-7473.
5). Lin Yao, Zhe Qu, Zili Pang, Jing Li, Siyao Tang, Junhui He* Three-layered hollow nanospheres based coatings with ultrahigh-performance of energy-saving, anti-reflection, and self-cleaning for smart windows, Small, 2018, 14, 1801661.
6). Lin Yao, Junhui He*, Tong Li, Tingting Ren, A novel SiO2/H2Ti2O5∙H2O-nanochain composite with high UV-visible photocatalytic activity for super-transparent multi-functional thin films, Langmuir, 2016, 32(51), 13611-13619.
7). Lin Yao, Junhui He*, Fabrication of Mechanically Robust, Self-cleaning and Optically High-performance Hybrid Thin Films by SiO2&TiO2 Double-Shelled Hollow Nanospheres. Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 13125-13134.
8). Lin Yao, Junhui He*, Recent Progress in Antireflection and Self-cleaning Technology-From Surface Engineering to Functional Surfaces. Progress in Materials Science. 2014, 61, 94-143.
9). Lin Yao, Junhui He*, Facile Dip-coating Approach to Fabrication of Mechanically Robust Hybrid Thin Films with High Transmittance and Durable Superhydrophilicity. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2014, 2, 6994-7003.
1). Zhe Qu†, Lin Yao†, Junhui He*. Solution-based synthesis for VO2 coatings: Strategies promoting optical and thermochromic performances of smart windows, in “Nanostructured materials: synthesis, properties and applications”, Nova Science Publishers, Book, 2018.
2).Lin Yao, Junhui He*. Antireflection and Self-cleaning Coatings: Principle, Fabrication and Application, in “Self-Cleaning Coatings: Structure, Fabrication and Application”, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2016.
3).Lin Yao, Junhui He*. Multifuntional Coatings for Solar Energy Applications, in the book “Nanomaterials in Energy and Environmental Applications”, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2014
Carbon Neutrality Policy and Technology (研究生),32学时,秋季学期
Air Pollution Control Theory and Technology (研究生), 32学时,春季学期
1). 贺军辉,姚琳。增透的防雾玻璃及其制备方法. 授权号:ZL201210254006.2
2). 贺军辉,姚琳。小粒径的纳米二氧化硅粒子的制备方法. 授权号:ZL201310042853.7
3). 贺军辉,姚琳。在玻璃基板上构造超亲水的增透复合涂层的方法. 授权号:ZL201310381598.9
4). 贺军辉,姚琳。在玻璃基板上构造超亲水及增透防湿的复合薄膜的方法. 授权号:ZL201410758433.3
5). 贺军辉,姚琳。二氧化硅/二钛酸纳米链复合物及复合薄膜的制备方法. 授权号:ZL201610601174.2
6). 贺军辉,姚琳。一种二氧化硅-二氧化钛-二氧化钒复合薄膜及其制备方法. 授权号:ZL201810250714.6
7). 贺军辉,姚琳。一种具有热致变色、防雾和自修复功能的复合薄膜及其制备方法. 授权号:ZL201811229617.5
The Innovation 期刊青年编委, Frontiers in Materials 期刊客座编辑,Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 等期刊审稿人。
2016 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
2015 林岛诺贝尔获奖者大会
2015 中国科学院经理奖
2014 宝洁优秀研究生奖学金,中科院理化技术研究所所长奖
2013 中科院理化技术研究所所长奖