
- 1998年毕业于中国科技大学化学系,获博士学位;
- 1998-2000 南京大学环境学院讲师
- 2000-2003 美国University of Florida 博士后;
- 2003-2005 美国Stevens Institute of Technology 博士后;
- 2005-2009 美国University of Florida 土壤与水科学系研究员;
- 2009年至今 威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站环境科学与工程学院 教授。
- 土壤与地下水污染修复技术;
- 土壤多界面过程及环境行为;
- 绿色友好型多功能环境修复材料;
- 土壤固碳技术及其生态环境效应。
曹心德,威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站环境科学与工程学院副经理,教授、博士生导师。国际SCI期刊《Chemosphere》副主编,《Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability》、《Environmental Science and Pollution Research》编委。上海市“浦江人才”计划获得者。中国生态学会污染生态专业委员会、中国土壤学会土壤修复专业委员会委员、中国土壤学会土壤环境专业委员会委员,国家环境保护城市土壤污染控制与修复技术工程中心技术委员会委员,上海污染场地修复产业创新战略联盟理事会理事,上海污染场地修复中心技术委员会委员,浙江省土壤污染生物修复重点实验室学术委员会委员。主要从事环境土壤化学、土壤污染控制及修复技术等方面的研究。近5年来,主持国家自然科学基金重点及面上项目、科技部国际合作项目、环保部公益项目、上海市科委等资助项目20多项。开展了场地污染源识别及监测评估、污染场地生态环境效应与人体健康、建立了重金属污染土壤原位矿化稳定化、污染土壤及地下水一体化修复、重金属植物固定与提取等修复技术,并成功应用于射击场、电子垃圾回收场地、化工厂、电镀厂等典型污染场地土壤修复工程10多项。多项成果被新闻媒体如Chemical and Engineering News、中国科技报等报道和评价。发表SCI收录学术论文110多篇,12篇SCI论文引用频次入围环境科学与生态学领域ESI世界前1%,SCI引用总次数4800余次,h-index为32。2014、2015年连续两年入选中国高被引学者(Most Cited Chinese Researchers)榜单。合作专著4本,其中英文2本。授权发明专利5件。获省部级奖4项,其中教育部科技进步一等奖1项。30多次担任国际会议组委会委员、分会主席或特邀报告人。
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 21587002)“生物炭与土壤界面的电化学过程及其环境行为”(2016-2020)
- 国家自然科学基金港澳及海外合作项目(No. 21428702)“生物质炭中潜在污染物的形成、释放及生物可利用性机制”(2015-2016)
- 国家自然科学基金委面上项目(No. 21377081)“模拟人体消化道内污染土壤重金属铅的形态转化与生物可利用性”(2014-2017)
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 21077072) “一种双功能吸附剂生物炭同时修复重金属与有机物复合污染土壤的分子机理”(2011-2013)
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.20877056) “磷酸盐诱导的钝化修复重金属复合污染土壤的作用机制及评估体系”(2009-2011)
- 国家科技部国际合作重点项目(No. 2006DFA21280)“东北重工业城市地球化学环境生态安全监测与修复治理的技术研究”(2007-2010)
- 环保部公益项目(No. 201509035) “重金属污染土壤固化稳定化修复后评估方法研究”(2015-2018)
- 上海市科委重点支撑项目(No. 13231202502)“重金属污染土壤修复材料研发与综合评估方法研究”(2014-2016)
- 上海市环保局重点项目(沪环科2013-04)“上海市工业土壤污染修复技术与设备研究及应用示范”(2013-2016)
- 上海市科委“浦江人才”计划项目(No. 11PJ0600 )“生物炭的固碳技术及其生态环境效应”(2011-2013)
- Fan Yang, Ling Zhao, Bin Gao, Xiaoyun Xu, and Xinde Cao* 2016 The interfacial behavior between biochar and soil minerals and its effect on biochar stability. Environmental Science and Technology50, 2264–2271
- Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao*, Wei Zheng, John Scott, B. K. Sharma, and Xiang Chen 2016 Co-pyrolysis of biomass with phosphate fertilizers to improve biochar carbon retention, slow nutrient release, and stabilize heavy metals in soil. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 4, 1630–1636
- Xiaoyun Xu, Yue Kan, Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao* 2016 Chemical transformation of CO2 during its capture by waste biomass derived biochars. Environmental Pollution 213, 533-540
- Xiaoyun Xu, A Schierz, Nan Xu, Xinde Cao* 2016 Comparison of the characteristics and mechanisms of Hg(II) sorption by biochar and activated carbon. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 463, 55–60.
- Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao*, Wei Zheng, Qun Wang, Fan Yang 2015 Endogenous minerals have influences on surface electrochemistry and ion exchange properties of biochar. Chemosphere136, 133–139.
- Jingke Sima, Xinde Cao*, Ling Zhao, Qishi Luo 2015 Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure over- or under-estimates leachability of lead in phosphate-amended contaminated soils. Chemosphere 138, 744–750
- Feiyue Li, Xinde Cao*, Ling Zhao, Jianfei Wang, Zhenliang Ding 2014 Effects of mineral additives on biochar formation: Carbon retention, stability, and properties. Environmental Science and Technology48, 11211–11217.
- Ling Zhao, Wei Zheng, Xinde Cao* 2014 Distribution and evolution of organic matter phases during biochar formation and their importance in carbon loss and pore structure. Chemical Engineering Journal 250, 240-247.
- Xiaoyun Xu, Xinde Cao*, Ling Zhao, Tonghua Sun 2014 Comparison of sewage sludge- and pig manure-derived biochars for hydrogen sulfide removal. Chemosphere 111, 296–303.
- Yuan Liang, Xinde Cao*, Ling Zhao, Xiaoyun Xu, Willie Harris 2014 Phosphorus release from dairy manure, the manure-derived biochar, and their amended soil: effects of phosphorus nature and soil property. Journal of Environmental Quality 43, 1504–1509.
- Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao*, Ondrej Masek 2013 Heterogeneity of biochar properties as a function of feedstock sources and production temperatures. Journal of Hazardous Materials 256-257, 1-9.
- Ling Zhao, Xinde Cao*, Qun Wang 2013 Mineral constituent profile of biochar derived from diversifed waste biomasses: Implications for agricultural applications. Journal of Environmental Quality 42, 1-8.
- Xiaoyun Xu, Xinde Cao*, Ling Zhao 2013 Comparison of rice husk- and dairy manure-derived biochars for simultaneously removing heavy metals from aqueous solutions: Role of mineral components in biochars. Chemosphere 92, 955-961.
- Xinde Cao*, Lena Ma, Yuan Liang, Bin Gao 2011 Simultaneous immobilization of lead and atrazine in contaminated soils using dairy-manure biochar. Environmental Science and Technology 45, 4884-4889.
- Xinde Cao* and Willie Harris 2010 Properties of dairy manure-derived biochar pertinent to its potential use in remediation. Bioresource Technology 101, 5222-5228.
- Xinde Cao*, Lena Ma, Bin Gao, and Willie Harris 2009 Dairy manure-derived biochar effectively sorbs heavy metals and organic contaminants Environmental Science and Technology 43, 3285–3291.
- Xinde Cao*, Lena Ma, and Ammar Wahbi 2009 Immobilization of Cu, Zn, and Pb in contaminated soils using phosphate rock and phosphoric acid. Journal of Hazardous Materials 164, 555-564.
- Xinde Cao and Willie Harris* 2008 Magnesium and carbonate interactive effects on calcium phosphate precipitation. Environmental Science and Technology 42, 436-442.
- Xinde Cao, Lena Ma*, and Satya P Singh 2008 Phosphate-induced lead immobilization from different lead minerals in soils under varying pH conditions Environmental Pollution 152, 184-192.
- Yunlan Xu, Yi He, Xinde Cao, Dengjie Zhong and Jinping Jia* 2008 TiO2/Ti rotating disk photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) reactor: A combination of highly effective thin-Film PEC and conventional PEC processes on a single electrode. Environmental Science and Technology 42, 2612–2617
- 获省部级奖4项,其中教育部科技进步一等奖1项