10月25日,2019全球城市气候黑客马拉松(上海站)在威廉希尔WilliamHill官方网站成功举办。气候变化是当今世界面临的最严峻的全球性挑战,城市气候黑客马拉松是一项马拉松式的24小时头脑风暴活动, 致力于为当今城市面临的高能耗、高排放、高污染问题提供创新型的解决思路。2018年,共有113个城市,46个国家和超过5000名选手参与了这场比赛。全球城市气候黑客马拉松2019(上海站)的主题是为上海临港地区的废弃物资源化利用征集创新有效的解决方案,促进新的商业模式创新,助力上海临港打造低碳城市,实现可持续发展。
On 25th Oct., Climathon 2019 Shanghai was successfully held at China-UK Low Carbon College, Shanghai Jiao Tong University at Lingang campus. Climathon is a global movement aimed at solving the challenges like high energy consumption, high emission and high pollution that cities are facing today. This is manifested in a 24-hour hackathon taking place simultaneously in major cities around the world. In 2018, there were 113 cities, 46 countries and more than 5000 participants involved in this large event. Climathon Shanghai 2019 aims at collecting innovative and effective solutions in “Waste Management, recycling and utilization” and facilitating to build Shanghai Lingang into a low-carbon city and improve sustainability.
Prof. Zhang from LCC delivered a speech about “Municipal Solid Waste Management in Megacities for Sustainability and resource recovery” which introduced the coupled challenges and solutions for municipal solid waste management in stressed megacities. The solution proposed is an integrated waste-to-energy eco-system that is developed from a joint collaborative program between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and National University of Singapore. In the following the presentation introduces the development of a spin-off company (E2S2 Systems Pte Ltd) for the commercialization of this system.
自然之道(中国)合伙人张琳通过有趣的教学设计和精彩的商业案例对活动参与者们进行了商业模式画布(Business Model Canvas)的培训,帮助参与者们学会用这个工具有效的定义、设计、挑战、创造和启动他们的商业模式。
Lin Zhang from the Natural Step (China)delivered an excellent training on Business Model Canvas to help participants to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot their business model in an easy way.
All participants were divided into 2 groups to work on solutions toward the challenge: “Waste Management, recycling and utilization in Shanghai Lingang?” The experts have given lots of advice and guidance to the groups.
最后, “绿色废物资源化处理” 团队以创新的商业模式和灵活高效的解决方案获胜。他们的解决方案旨在将景观绿化的生物垃圾转化为有机酸叶肥和生物炭用以改良土壤,增加土地肥力的保水能力。
Finally, the first prize went to the team worked on “Green Waste Recycle to Alleviate Salinization”. Their team aims at transforming the biological waste of landscape greening into organic acid leaf fertilizer and biochar for improving soil and increasing water retention capacity of soil fertility.
“电子废弃物处理” 团队的创意也获得了评审专家的高度评价。他们通过回收电池,并将电池中的锂等贵重金属提取出来重新卖给电池制造商,在减少环境污染的同时,来达到废旧电池的循环有效利用。
The second prize went to the team worked on “Recycling of e-waste”. Their team aims at recycling battery and extracting metal materials such as Li and Co and then resell them to battery manufacture to realize the efficient recycling and utilization of e-waste.
All the participants felt that Climathon is a meaningful event and it inspires the innovation ideas and passion of young generation. They hoped that Climathon could be held on a national scale next year.